Thursday, June 9, 2011

Second Wind Adventures - The Crew

Since we weighed the options of trucking the boat by land, selling the boat and buying another one, or sailing the boat ourselves, we decided to sail Second Wind to Florida ourselves.  The big problem was how to remain employed at my job.  Since there was no way I had that much vacation, we had to come up with another solution.  Rebecca had the idea of calling her brother-in-law, with whom she had discussed this idea before.  Ed enthusiastically agreed to join us and volunteered Rebecca's aunt and uncle to accompany us.  We figured we might ought speak with them before making plans, and Ed was right - they too were excited to join us.  Our crew was set:

  • Rebecca, Reece and Dean - Admiral, Crew and Captain
  • Rebecca's brother, Ed - has owned several boats in the past and is currently rebuilding a beautiful Alden 47.  He is a wiz with all sorts of boat systems, plus he has made this trip before.
  • Rebecca's aunt and uncle, Ben and Jeannette - have been traveling up and down the East Coast in a 30ft S2, so they are quite familiar with the journey

The plan is for everybody else to sail the boat while I work on my laptop.  We have a Verizon EVDO modem for close-to-broadband speeds (while close to shore), which lets me stay connected (and employed).  I have quite a few projects that do not require continuous connectivity, so as long as I can check in periodically, I should be okay.  We'll see how it works.

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